Virtual Reality vs Augmented Reality

August 17, 2021

Let's Get Real: Virtual Reality vs Augmented Reality

Telecommunications technology is constantly evolving, and Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) are two of the more recent advancements that have taken the world by storm. They are not only popular but also revolutionizing almost every industry, including telecommunications.

VR and AR have similar names and purposes, but they are not interchangeable. They have a few differences. In this blog post, we will compare Virtual Reality vs Augmented Reality and provide a clear picture of what they are, how they work, and their uses.

What is Virtual Reality?

Virtual Reality is a computer-generated simulation of a 3D environment. Users are immersed in a simulated environment designed to look and feel like the "real world." The technology typically requires a headset with a screen that wraps around the user's field of view, along with headphones to block outside noise.

VR's job is to transport users to a simulated world that looks entirely different from the real one. Users can interact with and manipulate the environment as if they were physically present in it. With this technology, users can explore their imaginations and visit places that are impossible to reach physically.

What is Augmented Reality?

Augmented Reality, on the other hand, blends the physical world with computer-generated images. The technology uses a device's camera display to capture the real world and enhance it with digitally generated objects. AR requires a device with a camera, such as a smartphone, computer, or AR glasses.

Unlike VR, AR is not about creating a wholly digitized environment. Instead, it aims to introduce digital elements to the real world. Pokémon Go is a classic example of AR. Players see the creatures projected over the real-world view through their phone cameras.

Virtual Reality vs Augmented Reality: Use cases

Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality have many potential applications in the telecommunications industry. Here are some of the industries that have adopted them:


Virtual Reality technology is being used by healthcare professionals to simulate surgical procedures, and medical students use it to learn and experience the procedure without any risk. On the other hand, AR technology is used to diagnose diseases accurately and create personalized treatment plans.

Gaming and Entertainment

Both VR and AR have transformed the gaming and entertainment industry by allowing users to engage with a simulated gaming world or interact with live sports events.


Virtual Reality can revolutionize the education sector by providing students with the tools and the environment to learn in a much more immersive and interactive way, such as visiting historical places.

AR is an effective tool for providing additional, real-time information to students during lectures, or it can be used to overlay images and videos onto text, which creates a more interactive and engaging learning experience.

Virtual Reality vs Augmented Reality: Advantages and disadvantages

Everything comes with its advantages and disadvantages. Here are some for VR and AR:

Virtual Reality


  • Provides a fully immersive experience
  • Simulated testing of products or services can lead to cost savings
  • Improved professional training


  • Expensive hardware and software
  • High production costs
  • Motion sickness or dizziness

Augmented Reality


  • No special equipment needed – uses existing devices like smartphones, tablets, etc.
  • Integration with existing systems
  • Live and interactive experience enhancing


  • Limited hardware availability
  • Challenges of providing real-time information
  • Expensive services


Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality are both on the cutting edge of technology and have many potential applications in the telecommunications industry. VR provides an immersive experience where users can transport themselves to a wholly different digitized environment, while AR blends the physical and digital world. Both have advantages and disadvantages, and choosing which technology to adopt will depend on the business's needs and goals.

We expect to see more advancements in these technologies shortly as the industry continues to evolve, and we are excited to see where Virtual Reality vs Augmented Reality takes us. Until then, explore and experience what Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality technology has to offer.


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